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Development - BULGARIAN - Drama

Log Line

When you are seventeen, you think you know everything; only later you realize, you don't want to and don't have to know. What happens to a boy of seventeen who has two great talents, theatre and fist-fighting, and has to decide, which of them should prevail in his life and help him save his friend.

Year of production : 2015

Director(s) : Valeri YORDANOV
Writer(s) : Valeri YORDANOV
Producer(s) : Borislav CHOUCHKOV (Chouchkov Brothers), Viktor CHOUCHKOV (Chouchkov Brothers), Maria METODIEVA (Chouchkov Brothers)


Three young people are having fun while shooting a video on the street. They enter a Bank lobby and beat up the security guard. Guns in hand they make the cashier woman set off the alarm. They wait for the Police and want the reporters to come. Throughout the whole time they are recording what they do to the clients and the bank employees.
This is the story of a boy of seventeen who has two big talents: acting and fist-fighting. He loves writing, worships Shakespeare and he is the absolute Boss on his street. His name is Danko, but everybody calls him Shakky or The Shakespeare. He’s beenadopted by an ex-convict and on paper he is brother to his best friend and –to the girl he loves. He has a sexual affair with his teacher and problems with his schoolmates. He lives with his paralyzed grandmother, takes care of her on his own and gets mad whenever somebody mentions his mother.
Now, no matter what, Danko must find cash in order to save the life of the man who adopted him.
Now, no matter what, he has to win the top prize of the TV show Actor of the World and change his life.
And he wants to be with the girl he loves – although law and moral say this isn’t right...
'Who knows about Shakespeare?' and 'What makes Mercutio want to die?' according to him – a boy of seventeen?
We will find the answers to these questions in the end of this story – when Danko faces the three angry young people in the lobby of the Bank.


Country(ies) : BULGARIA

Festivals and Awards

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