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Completed - No dialog - Drama - 74 minutes

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2008 (Debut)
  • Cannes 2009 (Debut)
  • Berlin EFM 2010 (Premiere)
  • Cannes 2010 (Line up)
Full history

Year of production : 2010

Director(s) : Janez BURGER
Writer(s) : Janez BURGER
Cast : Leon LUČEV, Pauliina RASANEN, Ravil SULTANOV



When the deafening rattle of war dies away, we see Stevo, scared, running about the field where traces of warfare can be seen and where his house, likewise badly damaged, stands. He is left alone with his daughter Dunja and son Small as his wife has been hit by one of the grenades. When it seems that the worst is over, a terrible rumble can be heard from a distance and keeps nearing the house as a threat. He hides the children into the house and goes out with a loaded gun, terrified but determined to fight until the very end. After several moments of agony and tension in which the worst is expected, Stevo discovers, confused, that the vehicle which stopped in front of the house is not a killing machine but a rather unusual vehicle of Circus Fantasticus, and a group of bizarre but utterly human characters steps out. Next day the tension alleviates. Stevo and the children burry the wife and mother and the circus people go about their daily business. They try to cheer up the two scared and taciturn children, but they are not very successful at it.
At night Stevo watches how Metuzola, the oldest among circus people and seriously ill, has an attack; he is looked after by his son, Tatar, the leader of the circus group. The fierce struggle of Metuzola’s weak body with death moves him.
The following morning Bicycle Boy manages to do what the others couldn’t the previous day: he takes Dunja out of her shell of pain and fear. Together they ride off on bicycles towards the shore. Only then and there, far away from everything, Dunja relaxes and laughs visibly for the first time. When they get back to the house, the worried, frightened and furious Stevo attacks Bicycle Boy, but Dunja shows him clearly that she herself no longer wants to be trapped in the cage of ever-present pain and fear.
The atmosphere in front of the house is gradually becoming more relaxed and even Stevo allows himself to have a few moments of innocent intimations with the beautiful Angela, who is also a member of the circus, and who awakens in him the almost forgotten emotions. At the same time it becomes increasingly obvious that Metuzala’s days, possibly even hours, are numbered and Tatar decides to build up the circus tent and put on the show for him for the very last time. Their first attempt to put up the tent is not successful due to a heavy storm, but they manage to erect it the next day. And the curious show begins. During the tumultuous acts the expression on the face of old Metuzala changes: a smile returns on his face and a sparkle of life can again be seen in his eyes. But only for a moment. It soon dies out forever. The following morning Metuzala is buried in a grave next to the grave of Stevo’s wife. Although the image of this moment is almost identical to the image of the funeral of Stevo’s wife, there is something essentially different; this is mainly because of Stevo and Angela who have finally let the sparkle of love light a fire and more than death itself, life can be felt in this scene. Later the same day Stevo and his children join the circus caravan which sets off on a new journey.



Financing plan : Fastnet Films attached
Cineworks attached
Eurimages attached

Start of shooting : March 2009

If any information seems out of date, let us know