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Completed - ENGLISH - Thriller

Log Line

A tense, found footage thriller. Three soldiers get trapped in an
elevator when terrorists set off a dirty bomb… But when White escapes,
her world turns upside down as she realizes nothing is what it seems.

Year of production : 2012

Director(s) : Matthew THOMPSON
Writer(s) : Scott BOLGER, Kent MURRAY, Matthew THOMPSON
Cast : Jennifer MORRISON

Producer(s) : Christine ALDERSON


Three traumatised veterans – two men and a
woman - freshly back from the middle east,
enter an express elevator in a high-tech military
building. Half way up, an explosion rocks the
building, the elevator grinds to a halt. Their cell
phones won’t connect, radio stations are down –
something big has happened.
A dirty bomb has hit Washington, radiation levels
will be fatal in thirty minutes and the building
is being evacuated. There is no-one to get them
out, their only option is to open a hatch and
climb onto the roof where there is a control
panel that will send the car down to ground
Tension is high in the elevator. One of the
soldiers has history with the female soldier and
confrontation is imminent. When they finally get
onto the roof, the control panel is broken. They
are stuck.
We then reveal they are being watched from a
control room. No bomb has gone off. Everything
that has happened to them has been triggered
by the two people watching them. They are
stepping through a series of stressful ‘events’
and monitoring their physical responses.
This is a secret trial for a new drug developed to
treat post traumatic stress disorder. As the trial
continues, there is a black out in the elevator
and the controllers hear screams and a violent
struggle. One of the soldiers attacks the girl. The
other intervenes to protect her. When the lights
come back on the man who intervened is lying in
a pool of blood, dead. Now the girl is alone with
a murderer. She gets onto the roof where she is
safe – for now.
Panic in the control room. One of the controllers
wants to abort but the other doesn’t. They
consult their superiors. The General gets rid of
the panicking controller and tells the one that
remains that what has happened threatens the
whole drug development and must be dealt with.
He tells him he must add one more ‘event’ to
the trial – Event 15. This event is to release the
elevator brakes, killing the occupants. If he does
this, the drug will go live, helping thousands of
traumatised veterans.
As the controller struggles with his dilemma, the
girl attempts a dangerous escape by climbing
the cable, the murderer close behind. By the
time the controller releases the brakes, the
female soldier has escaped while the murderer
falls to his death. She finds out about the drug
trial and we see her secretly downloading the
footage from the elevator cameras. We finally
realise everything we have seen was edited from
the material on her hard drive.


Country(ies) : UNITED KINGDOM

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