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Completed - SWEDISH - Drama - 90 minutes

Year of production : 2010

Director(s) : Allan GUSTAFSSON
Writer(s) : Allan GUSTAFSSON
Cast : David DENCIK, Moa GAMMEL

Producer(s) : Ingemar JOHANSSON (Elfvikfilm)


JUNE (Feature film)
Paul and Ninni are hosting a typical Swedish midsummer’s eve celebration at Ninni’s parent’s exclusive summerhouse in the archipelagos. Invited to the party are two couples; Linda and Oskar, Haakan and Cilla and the rumbling singles duo Kaj and Goran.
Paul and Ninni have a good relationship apart from the fact that they don't have much sex anymore. This is a problem naturally since Paul is constantly trying to lure Ninni into bed. Ninni has had accidental sex with Linda’s husband Oskar the previous midsummer and is confused about what to do. She confides in Cilla who uses this information to pressurize Ninni to let her sleep with Paul.
Cilla's boyfriend Haakan is torn between getting his doctoral thesis finished and attending the party. However after much debating he decides to remain at home. Soon enough he feels an urge to join the festivities fueled by worry of what Cilla might be up to. Haakan turns up at the party and can feel that something isn’t right. He’s convinced that his love will betray him and desert him.
Oskar and Linda have two kids together. They too don't have sex anymore and its really worrying Linda. She can sense that something’s wrong. They’ve been a couple for many years but Linda in unsure of the truthfulness of Oskar’s love for her. She constantly is questioning it and needs reaffirmation.
It's a Midsummer Night's Sex Drama!


Country(ies) : SWEDEN

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