ANTONIA (Past Film)
Release date : Aug 16, 2007
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Completed - BRAZILIAN-PORTUGUESE - Drama, Musical - 90 minutes

Year of production : 2006

Director(s) : Tata AMARAL
Cast : Leilah MORENO, Marcelo THAYDE, Negra LI

Producer(s) : Claudia BUSCHEL (O2), Georgia COSTA (Coração da Selva), Tata AMARAL (Tangerina)


On the outskirts of São Paulo, four black girls who have been singing together since young fight to fulfill their dream of making a living off their music. With their rap group “Antonia”, they find a manager and begin to put on shows in bars and parties. But, just as the dream seems to be coming true, their hopes are dashed by the daily events which accompany poverty, chauvinism and violence which threaten the group and place their friendship in jeopardy.
On the outskirts of the largest city in South America, four young black women struggle to make their dream of living off their music come true. The dream takes the shape and name of “Antonia” the rap group they form together. But the four of them will necessarily need more than just talent to survive in a world of exclusion, violence, poverty and male chauvinism. A warrior-like perseverance fuels the characters in Antonia, third feature-length film by Brazilian filmmaker Tata Amaral and the producers of Up Against Them All and City of God.
The movie capitalizes on the strong effervescent cultural scene found on the outskirts of São Paulo, but does not limit itself to it. “Antonia is more than just a film on rap, on hip-hop culture or a chronicle on life as lived by those on the other side of the river. For me, it’s a movie about women warriors”, says Fernando Meirelles, co-producer of the film and director of City of God. “It’s a movie to do away with the idea that “young lady” is synonymous with fragility or submission. Repeat after me: Women Warriors.”


Country(ies) : BRAZIL


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