This is a documentary film about the life and work of Raymundo Gleyzer, Argentine filmmaker, kidnapped and murdered by that country's military dictatorship in 1976. Intertwined with Raymundo's life, we show the beginning, the development and the persecution of the Latin American revolutionary cinema, in a historical-socio-political context. This context, through Raymundo's films and ideas, will define and help us describe the political liberation movements in Latin America during the 60' and 70', and the ruling power continuous violations of human rights. Finally, we relate his "disappearance", the beginning of the end for a generation of independent filmmakers trying to develop a cinema with a Latin American identity. These Argentine filmmakers, like so many others, became exiles and live all over the world. To save Raymundo's films from destruction, his friends took some out of the country. His widow, Juana Sapire, kept many negatives, prints, letters, pictures and written materials in New York. This documentary will bring back what the CIA and the Latin American dictatorships couldn't destroy: the memory, the ideals and the courage to tell the truth.