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Completed - SPANISH - Comedy - 76 minutes

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In a country that is collapsing, Diego keeps a single goal: to live in capital city again. He leaves his family in "Delta del Tigre" and becomes an obsessive seller within the showroom of a new building: a mock up apartment to be driven to absurd situations living on the brink of autism.

Previous markets

  • Ventana Sur 2014 (Premiere)
  • Cannes 2015 (Line up)
Full history

Year of production : 2014

Director(s) : Fernando MOLNAR
Writer(s) : Lucia PUENZO, Sergio BIZZIO, Fernando MOLNAR
Cast : Diego PERETTI, Andrea GARROTE, Pablo SEIJO, Roberto CATARINEU

Producer(s) : Nicolas BATLLE (MAGOYA FILMS), Daniel WERNER (WERNER CINE)


Diego, 45 years old, holds on to his job as a host for parties and weddings. In order to maintain his social status, he takes walks along a high-class neighborhood to which he would like to belong. Oblivious to all the things he has been losing owing to their economic situation, he finally realizes he has no other choice but move out from a modest city apartment to a borrowed house in Delta del Tigre (30 kilometers from Capital City) with his family, an environment totally alien to them. A islands place full of mosquitoes and humidity.
While his wife and his daughter strive to adapt to the Delta, Diego start working as a salesman at the mock-up apartment of a building in construction at the high-class neighborhood he frequents. The place is a perfect replica, clean and luxurious, where nothing works. Behind that perfect environment that he makes his own is the construction site in which a group of builders he despises work. The sales is shared with Francisco the other real estate agent with whom Diego struggle to win.
Diego, unaware of what’s going on in his family, doesn’t see that his wife and his younger daughter are adapting to a much wilder world. Time passes and Diego neglects his family until they almost become strangers.
The relationship between Diego and his wife and daughter becomes as tense as the relationship of Diego and the builders with whom he coexists without exchanging more than a few stern directions.
After Diego sells all the apartments of the building, as part of the payment he receives an oppressive apartment in the same building. Diego leaves the mock-up apartment while a group of fifteen builders take down the plastic world in which he had been living over the last months and load the pieces onto a truck.
His wife and daughter visited the apartment. After seeing this pathetic reality Diana and Karina make the decision to stay and live in the Delta. Diego lives alone in the little apartment. Finally he manages his dream of return to capital. Now within a similar showroom, Diego is ready to continue selling illusions.


Country(ies) : ARGENTINA

Festivals and Awards

Ventana Sur 2014 Latam

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