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Development - SPANISH-CHILEAN - Thriller - 80 minutes

Year of production : 2021

Director(s) : Shawn GARRY
Writer(s) : Fernando CASTILLO
Cast : Camila HIRANE, Diego RUIZ, Roberto FARIAS, Sergio HERNÁNDEZ

Producer(s) : Clara LARRAIN (Clara Films)


Country(ies) : CHILE

Financing plan : The project has 30% of its global budget funded by it’s creative team, Clara Films SpA, two Colombian valorized coproductions in sound postproduction and original music composition for the feature film, “Síncrono” award of USD 4.500 and “Tocatta” Award of USD 14.500. In addition we have a national co-production offer from Válvula Films appraised in USD 28.000 (camera equipment and image post-production).
For the remaining stages (Pre Production, Production and Post Production) we will apply to national and international funds, our goal is to be awarded the Chilean fund for production of the Fondo de Fomento Audiovisual, category, fiction feature film, sub-category B budget, that gives a maximum of USD 105.500 to new directors for their first or second films. At the same time we will seek other funding opportunities like bilateral INCAA, Ibermedia and World Cinema Fund Berlinale, among others. On the other hand, in case an international co-production is signed we will apply to public co-production fundings from each country.
In addition we will register the project under the law N.18.985 for cultural donation through ADG (the Chilean Screenwriters and Directors Association) allowing us to expand our funding opportunities to the private sector.
We want to continue our participation in international industry events looking for coproducers and investors, we aim to be in FICCI and Guadalajara and participate in international markets such as San Sebastian Coproduction Forum, European Film Market, Marché du Film and Ventana Sur, at the same time we will look for private investors and possible alliances with international sales agents and multiplatform to work together on the financial and selling plan.
Finally we will apply to the Chilean fund for distribution; CORFO Distribution or Fondo de Fomento Audiovisual, distribution category, asking for USD 28.000 in order to apply and travel to international film festivals and create a marketing and sales strategy.

Start of shooting : October 2020

Festivals and Awards

SANFIC 2019 (Santiago Lab)
SANFIC 2019 (Salón de Coproductores de Cali Award)
FICCALI 2019 (Salón de Coproductores de Cali)
FICCALI 2019 (Tocatta Award)
FICCALI 2019 (Sincrono Award)

If any information seems out of date, let us know