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Development - FRENCH-CANADIAN - Drama, Comedy - 85 minutes

Log Line

On the eve of a referendum on prohibition, members of an indigenous community in northern Quebec each have a stake in the outcome, and the future of bootlegger Laura is uncertain.

Previous markets

  • Berlin EFM 2016 (Debut)
  • Cannes 2016 (Line up)
Full history

Year of production : 2017

Director(s) : Caroline MONNET
Writer(s) : Caroline MONNET, Daniel WATCHORN
Producer(s) : Catherine CHAGNON (Microclimat Films), Pierre EVEN (Item 7)


On a First Nation reserve in northern Quebec, the sale and distribution of alcohol is illegal. However, the prohibition laws inadvertently facilitate the existence of a profitable bootlegging organization that has long divided the population of the small community. As December approaches, the lakes surrounding the community freeze over and allow further access by pickup trucks, opening the floodgates to contraband. Laura, a successful bootlegger, has lived here since she was a kid. Raymond, Laura’s surrogate father, introduced her into the underworld of alcohol trafficking after the death of her parents and she has lived with the moral pangs associated with her risky and controversial job ever since. On the eve of a new referendum about whether or not to continue prohibiting alcohol, Laura once again finds herself at the heart of the debate. Under the sharp sense of humour of radio host DJ Kinew, who serves as a backbone to the community, taboos around alcohol and politics are tackled with wit. The DJ’s often comedic monologues help the community cope with violence, poverty and alcohol intoxication. Mani, Laura’s childhood crush is back on the reserve to reform what he deems to be crooked politics and his quest leads him straight to his old flame. While an imposed curfew is in effect, by police officer Oscar, to hunt down rabid dogs encroaching on the reserve and threatening the safety of every person and pet, Laura’s trailer is trashed and burned. At this point, Laura understands that the life imposed upon her has finally caught up. It is time for her to stand up for the first time, pick a side and denounce the father figure that never allowed her to make her own decisions. The indigenous community, young and old, led by members of the band council, all gather at the community centre to celebrate, discuss and eventually make a decision that will either unite them in sovereignty or continue to polarize them.


Country(ies) : CANADA

Financing plan : Microclimat Films, Telefilm Canada, Sodec

Start of shooting : November 2017

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