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Pre-Production - POLISH - Black comedy, Drama - 90 minutes

Year of production : 2019

Director(s) : Katia PRIWIEZIENCEW
Writer(s) : Katia PRIWIEZIENCEW


Piotrek is a kind and shy boy who puts the happiness of others , especially his girlfriend ́s, over his own. He works as a pizza delivery guy, writes for writing’s sake and appreciates simple life. His girlfriend Basia would like him to finally find a serious job and stop swinging in the clouds.
After another unsuccessful attempt to change his life, the girl leaves Piotrek. The desperate boy decides to sign up for the “Alpha Male” course, led by a mysterious and charismatic Leader. The cost of the course - which is too high for Piotrek - forces him to enter into a close relationship with the Leader. In exchange for the opportunity to attend the course, he accepts to edit the man’s first book titled “Alpha”.
Initially, the course makes the participants’ lives change for the better. Piotrek becomes more confident, gets Basia back, finds a job in a prestigious magazine. However, his ambitions are awakened, and the determination to finish the book and the course increases. The Leader’s absolute power, his manipulations as well as his misogynist vision of the world, slowly poisons Piotrek’s mind. Fully dedicated to the Leader, the boy becomes a different person. The achievement of completing the book, his self-transformation and the alteration of the world around him as well, turns into an obsession. Infected with prejudices by his master, nothing will stop Piotrek from accomplishing his goals. Even the Leader will lose control over the boy.


Country(ies) : POLAND

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