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Post-Production - ENGLISH - Thriller, Drama - 95 minutes

Log Line

Whilst seeking support for his PTSD an ex-soldier unwittingly becomes the subject of a secret program to escalate the War on Terror.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2016 (Debut)
  • Cannes 2017 (Line up)
Full history

Year of production : 2017

Director(s) : Simon TATE
Writer(s) : Christopher HATHERALL
Cast : Christopher HATHERALL

Producer(s) : Phil TAYLOR (Film Engine UK)


ANTHONY TRAVIS (TONY) is a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan and he is struggling to sleep, losing his job, and drinking. His only friend, the angry and equally troubled STEVEN WAREHAM, introduces him to a support group for veterans where Tony meets SARAH THOMPSON-WRIGHT, a counsellor working on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. After a night of desperate drinking Tony wakes in the middle of the street and experiences a devastating firefight flashback. He decides that he needs Sarah’s personal help.
Tony initiates a violent incident in his local shop when he defends the Iraqi SHOPKEEPER in the face of racist aggression. Sarah begins Tony’s therapy but he struggles to talk abouthis wife and daughter and shuts down. Sarah suggests that he ask his doctor for a mind stabilising drug to help his therapy.
Tony defends Steven in a pub fight with a group of Asian men. The Police tell Tony that Steven has gone missing. Steven was a member of an English Defence League splinter group and they are worried for his safety.
As Tony reveals more of his experiences in Afghanistan he gets emotional and Sarah consoles him. Tony kisses her and for a brief moment Sarah kisses him back.
Tony asks for information on Steven’s whereabouts but he gets nowhere. Sarah continues her therapy and Tony angrily reveals that his wife and daughter were killed in a car crash caused by an Eastern European immigrant. In a fit of anger he tells Sarah to leave.
Tony still can’t find any work. He goes drinking at a strip club with DANIEL, another veteran he met at the group. Daniel tells Tony about his job in private security and about how much money he earns doing it. Daniel takes Tony to a shooting range and Tony enjoys the feel of the GLOCK 38 in his hand.
Tony apologises to Sarah for getting angry before and tells her that he is meeting someone about a job. He is feeling more positive and thinking about the future. Sarah encourages him.
At a huge country mansion Daniel introduces Tony to his employer, ABDUL AZEEZ, a Government liaison who travels the world and needs some talented personal security. Abdul offers condolences about Tony’s family but says that having no ties makes this job much easier. He sends Tony away to think about it.
The Police are waiting for Tony and they take him to identify Steven’s body – he was beaten and stabbed. In the midst of his anger Tony calls Sarah but they argue. He tries to kiss her again but she leaves. Enraged Tony grabs an old BROWNING 9mm and goes to Steven’s home – the Sacred Heart Hostel. He threatens JASON, a friend of Steven’s he met earlier, asking for information. Jason tells him that the EDL gang had caused some trouble at a local Mosque and it all got violent. Steven then went missing.
Tony sees the Shopkeeper outside the Mosque. He goes into the shop with his Browning determined to get information but Daniel interrupts him and takes him to see Abdul. They reveal that they work for the Intelligence Services and are looking to recrui


Country(ies) : UNITED KINGDOM

Financing plan : Film Engine Ltd

Start of shooting : June 2015

If any information seems out of date, let us know