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Completed - GREEK - Documentary - 52 minutes

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The stories of six historical cinemas, six pioneers and their audiences that epitomize the advent of an image-based culture, the fruit of extraordinary lives, which exude a scent of melancholy by encapsulating moments of pleasure spent by watching films that are part of mankind’s universal memory.

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  • Cannes 2016 (Debut)
Full history

Year of production : 2016

Director(s) : Joel FARGES, Jean ACHACHE, Maria DOUZA
Producer(s) : Olga PRUD'HOMME FARGES (Kolam Productions), Maria KONTOGIANNI, Michael SARANTINOS


All over the world there are cinemas that fascinate us. Cinemas deeply impregnated with a heady scent of nostalgia, awakening indelible images within us that float in our collective memories.
Despite the fact that they are located at opposite ends of the earth, that their architecture varies dramatically and that they belong to different worlds, these cinemas have something in common: they all possess a projector, a screen and seats for an audience.
Behind these projectors have been men with extraordinary lives, with vision, talent, audacity, whose personal adventures have led them to build these mythical places.
Across the screens of these cinemas have flickered films that, each in their own way, have marked 20th century history. For some it was the first documentaries, for others the first news films, the first adult films, the first Bollywood films or even the first Hollywood films.
In their seats have sat eclectic groups of people: strangers with profoundly different worries and concerns, with disparate backgrounds and aspirations, who have shared the collective, universal enjoyment and the individual, personal pleasure of watching a film in a movie theatre.
In the darkness, these cinemas tell of dreams that have become myths.
Each venue in the MYTHICAL CINEMAS collection is a synthesis of several stories: that of a place, an adventurer, a neighborhood, a city and sometimes even a country.
1.The Cinema at the end of the world (Tierra del Fuego)
2.The Campo Amor (Havana, Cuba)
3.The Byrd (Virginia, USA)
4.The Lucerna (Prague, Czech Republic)
5. Cine Thission (Athens, Greece)


Country(ies) : GREECE, FRANCE

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