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Production - SWAHILI - Social issues, Documentary - 52 minutes

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Chancelvie, 16 years old, lives on the streets of Kinshasa since she was 8.
With the help of her artist friends, will she be able to give a better life to her unborn child?

Year of production : 2020

Director(s) : Marc-Henri WAJNBERG
Writer(s) : Marc-henri WAJNBERG
Producer(s) : Catherine BOES (Wajnbrosse Productions)


Chancelvie, 16, has spent half of her life living in the streets of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Her daily life is a challenge to find odd jobs, to eat, to remain clean, to sleep. Carpe diem is the motto of the street life in Kinshasa.
Now that she is pregnant, the violence she suffered as a child is resurfacing. Where does she come from? Who is this mother who threw her on the street, accompanied by her younger brother, then 5 years old? Why would a mother take such a drastic action? Who was her father?
Although from a rival band, Shekina accompanies her long days. They beg, sleep together and have the same artist friends. These street performers customize waste - plastic bottles and bags, rusty car parts, broken mirrors, cans - to make costumes. During street parades, they hope to alert about the decline of their city.
Chancelvie plans to integrate a center for girl-mothers after the birth of her son in the hope of offering him a better future than her own. Nothing is less certain. She is rebellious to any authority. Since her early childhood, she has learned to fight and to be respected.
This portrait is not only that of an adolescent living in Kinshasa, too young to face all these adult issues, but also that of a teenager facing the injustice suffered by all street children who have to manage their destiny so early in life.
Chancelvie is like Kinshasa, oppressed and overflowing with vitality, poor and generous, in love with life, its perfumes and its music.
Chancelvie is very integrated in the artistic scene of Kinshasa. She dances with Strombo Kayumba's band, helps Bebson De La Rue to make instruments, shapes masks with Sambu, accompanies Nada in his costume made of phone scraps for street performances, which allows her to earn a few pennies to get through the day.
Chancelvie has decided to leave this life and to learn a trade as soon as she gives birth. This involves moving away from her street friends.
Fate has put her in the streets, will her determination carry her away from it?


Country(ies) : BELGIUM

Festivals and Awards

FIPA DOC 2020 (Pitching)

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