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Completed - DUTCH - Family - 79 minutes

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Koos (a little boy of almost eight) very much wants to look like his impressive, typical Dutch father, which is not an easy thing, as Koos has been adopted from Peru and is rather small and of dark complexion.
One day he sees a Peruvian boy playing a strange kind of music outside the supermarket a

Year of production : 2009

Director(s) : Ineke HOUTMAN
Writer(s) : Nynke KLOMPMAKER
Cast : Angelique DE BRUIJNE, Bastiaan RAGAS, Claire LAPADU, David VERBAAS, Hans DAGELET, Matthias DEN BESTEN

Producer(s) : Burny BOS (Bosbros), Michiel DE ROOIJ (Bosbros), Sabine VEENENDAAL (Bosbros)


Koos loves his tough father Jaap and looks up to him. During the weekends, they tinker at the motors together. Koos would like to have strong swimming legs - just like his father Jaap and grandpa Douwe - but in fact Koos doesn’t like the water, he’s afraid to dive and doesn’t like swim lessons either.
Lately, Koos notices that his father’s attention is focused on something else. In fact, his mother Tjitske - completely unexpected - has become pregnant. Koos is worried. This new child will of course be white. And what, if it’s a boy also? Koos would rather like to be just as big and blond like his father. He’d like to colour his hair blond and gets his girlfriend Isa to help him to colour some of his hair locks blonde. And, in order to become longer, he hangs in a tree with weights tied up to his feet. Then, one day, he meets someone who looks just like him...
When walking to the supermarket, Koos hears strange music. He looks to the side and then it seems that it’s just like as if he’s looking into a mirror: In front of the supermarket, some men and a boy are standing, making music. Among them is the boy Illari, he’s a few years older than Koos. They’re just looking like him: small, with a straight long nose and black hair. Peruvians! They’re smiling at him, full of recognition.
In the evening Koos looks into the box that he received from the children’s home in Peru. Mother Tjitske tries to tell him as much as possible about Koos’ real parents, but it’s difficult, because she hardly knows. When they’re looking at the birth certificate, Koos for the first time is confronted with the fact that his biological parents didn’t give him a first name! Well, according to him, then the new baby doesn’t have to have a name either. Though his parents guarantee that they will love him just as much when the new child will be born, he’ll see of that. After all, he’s not their flesh and blood.
He now starts to search for the Peruvians he saw at the supermarket. Illari’s father tells Koos that he’s an Indian, just like them; he’s a descendant of the Inca people. Traditionally, Inca’s happen to give their children a name when they’re older. Koos is confused and at the same time extremely happy by this thought. Illari’s father gives him a doll - a ‘Ekeko’, it will bring luck. The doll is able to grant a wish. Koos whispers to the Ekeko doll that he likes to know his real name.
Koos is intrigued by the silent, but stubborn Peruvian boy Illari, who knows so much. They’re spending more time together. Illari teaches him to throw with the catapult and Koos learns a lot about the Inca’s.
When Koos gets home, he proudly tells his parents he wants to become an Indian and travel to Peru. Father tells him carefully that they will not be able to travel for the time being. First the baby has to be born. But Koos is determined. He asks Isa to cut his blonde hair locks: Indians have black hair. Every night he whispers his wish to the Ekeko doll’s ear.
Koos has only one thing on his mind: he will become an Indian. With Illari he practises throwing with the catapult in the fields. Koos and Ilarri are searching for their own Indian spot that nobody else can find and where they can practise their rituals. They’re reaching the border of a silent bright lake. In the middle is a very small island. Their Indian island.
Later, they’re rowing to the island. Then Illari takes out a case. He tells Koos that in the case his name is hidden and that he first has to be brave in order to open it. Then Koos will know his name. Illari throws the case into the lake, but Koos doesn’t dare to dive in order to catch it.
Koos’ mother has to go to the hospital and the child is born. Koos is frightened, the child indeed is a boy. His name is Douwe, but Koos doesn’t understand how, since it’s grandpa’s name. Now they can travel to Peru - Koos thinks - but his father says again that it’s impossible for the time being. Koos was taught by Illari that if one is not big, one has to be smart. Illari is going to Peru in two days after all. Then he’ll go with Illari just like that!
In the evening when Illari is leaving, Koos secretly slinks away from home, but then it turns out that Illari has left already with his family. Koos will not give up and decides to leave with his rowing boat. Isa doesn’t know what to think of this plan, but promises to keep her mouth shut.
That same afternoon mother Tjitske comes back home with baby Douwe. Koos is missing. Stubbornly, Isa refuses to say where he is at first, but then gives in. Together with father Jaap she is searching for Koos. When the weather changes, the search becomes more panicky.
In the meantime, Koos tries to keep the rowing boat steady with all might, but he loses his rowing peddle and capsizes. Under water, he spots the case deep down on the bottom of the lake. Koos struggles to get to the surface, takes a deep breath of air, and dives under again in order to grab the case. On the island, Koos opens the case and finally is able to read his very own name: Yaku.
Father, along with Isa, is now desperately searching for Koos on the island and finds the rowing boat washed ashore. He’s afraid, thinking the worst. Then Isa spots Koos on the island, he’s completely soaked. Koos is still angry, he just wants to be called ‘Yaku’ now. Father shows Koos that he’s very proud he has a son who’s an Indian. Koos will always be his first, beautiful son and nobody will ever able to change that, not even baby Douwe. Koos embraces his father, he’s relieved, happy and satisfied: You are who you are and your family is and are the people who love you.


Country(ies) : NETHERLANDS


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