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Completed - LITHUANIAN - First film, Drama, Black comedy - 92 minutes

Log Line

The lives of the owners of a nationalized pig farm in a tiny post-Communist town are turned upside-down when a handsome American arrives, apparently to save the struggling factory. But as Irena, the owner, begins to fall for his charms she realizes that his intentions may not be what he claims.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2017 (Debut)
Full history

Year of production : 2017

Director(s) : Egle VERTELYTE
Writer(s) : Egle VERTELYTE

Producer(s) : Lukas TRIMONIS (iN SCRiPT)


Irena (45) is a Lithuanian pig farmer. She has spent the last 15 years successfully running a collective pig farm named ‘October Revolution’ in Biedniai village. A dedicated Soviet and staunch atheist, when she was not organizing the workers, Irena was spying in churches for high officials who are disloyal to the regime. Irene is a respected pillar of the community; she works hard for her land, her people and the party. To the villagers who all work at the pig farm, she is their leader. However, her personal life has never been functional. Irena’s husband is alcoholic and it suddenly dawned to her that she forgot to have children; a longing she never desired before but now she knows it is impossible.
In 1992 Lithuania shifts from communism to capitalism and the pig farm suffers a huge financial loss; there’s no money to feed the pigs and her starving workers are no longer willing to dig for nothing. The farm is on the brink of closure. Only a miracle would save the village from its fate.
And it does; in the form of an easy-going, handsome American business man, Bernardas (55). He arrives at the village and claims that the pig farm belonged to his parents who were forced in to exile during World War II. Irena fears he will seize the land and take away the villagers livelihood. But when he assures her she will remain in charge, Irena sees it as a chance to revive her impoverished village.
True to his word, Bernardas invests and life in Biedniai improves. However as his popularity grows, the villagers no longer want to listen to Irena; it is Bernardas, their new saviour who they turn to. Irena becomes jealous and resentful of Bernardas who is irritatingly so good to her. She can’t help but feel attracted towards him; no man has ever treated her like this.
Suspicious of his real intentions, Irena starts spying on Bernardas whose easygoing demeanor starts to disappear, as do the pigs. She discovers there is no more money and instead of paying the workers, Bernardas has been giving away the stock. One evening, Irena catches Bernardas frantically digging in the barn. She confronts him and he is obligated to confess his real intentions. When his parents were forced into exile, they buried a trove of family treasures; Bernardas had no intentions of running the farm, he wanted to collect his fortune. He promises to share the treasure with Irena if she helps him find it. Irena is left no choice; after-all, there are no pigs left to farm.
Irena and Bernardas set about destroying the farm in search of the treasure; they dig out the foundations and then demolish the farm house itself. Working closely together, they get to know one another. One evening they make love. Finally, they uncover their treasure is a well nearby.However, to their horror there is no gold to be found; just trinkets, photographs and memories. Bernardas returns to America, bankrupt and Irena is left with nothing.
Once again, the villagers are hungry; they have eaten their pigs and there is nothing left. In the hope of another miracle. And sure enough, a miracle appears; Irena learns that she is pregnant. When the doctors ask her who the father is, Irena lies and says there isn’t one; it is an immaculate conception. The villagers are driven by a new hope and Irena discovers her faith in God.



Financing plan : Lithuanian Film Center
Bulgarian National Film Center
Eurimages Co-production Fund
Tax Incentive Lithuania
Creative Europe
Women in Film - Film Finishing Fund
Orka Films

Start of shooting : March 2016

Festivals and Awards

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