DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, JAPAN
Local title : 일급기밀
More Information

Post-Production - KOREAN - Drama, Social issues, Thriller - 120 minutes

Log Line

A true story that deals with corruption within the government!
Honor among thieves, or betray them for the nation?

Year of production : 2017

Director(s) : Ki-Seon HONG
Cast : Sang-Kyung KIM, Ok-Vin KIM


Loyal and professional Deputy Chief of Staff Park Dae-ik (KIM Sang-kyung) receives a promotion to be in charge of purchasing fighter jet parts for the Defense Logistics Services Center. It’s a coveted position within the DLSC, which controls the lives of 600,000 active soldiers. If that wasn’t enough of boon for Park, he gets on a shortlist to become a colonel.

One day, fighter jet pilot Cpt. Kang Young-woo approaches Park about potentially faulty parts in his jet. He claims that his fighter contains parts from unproven American manufacturer called Air Star, rather than from a reliable local supplier. He says the lives of pilots are in jeopardy due to bribes taken to use these subpar parts. On his insistence, Park digs into the files and finds out that Air Star is the sole supplier.

Meanwhile, Department of Defense announces that they will be purchasing 40 next generation fighter jets. Around the same time, a fighter jet crashes and its pilot, Cpt. Kang, dies. The investigators conclude that the accident was a result of human error rather than the malfunction of the jet itself. Park is outraged and shocked by the outcome. He conducts his own secret investigation and finds out that Air Star and the US Pentagon are involved in the deal to purchase the next generation fighter jets.

Although soldiers are sworn to uphold justice and fight against corruption, the reality is much too harsh. Park swears himself to bring those responsible to justice and works to uncover the truth. But his superior finds out about his secret investigation and covers up the shady deals by making it look like Park accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from suppliers. Park is called a traitor by not only other suppliers but those around him. As if that wasn’t enough, his daughter and wife also doubt his moral compass.

He may be naïve, but Park wants to be remembered as the brave soldier. Without any other viable options, he and TV reporter Kim (KIM Ok-vin) decide to go public with the corruption within the military ranks...


Country(ies) : KOREA (South)


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