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Post-Production - TURKISH - Second film, Drama - 108 minutes

Year of production : 2015

Director(s) : Seren YÜCE
Writer(s) : Seren YÜCE
Cast : Songül ÖDEN, Tolga TEKIN

Producer(s) : Gökçe işıl TUNA (MOTIVA FILM), Sevil DEMIRCI (Yeni Sinemacılar), Stefan SCHUBERT (WÜSTE FILM OST), Yıldız ÖZCAN (WÜSTE FILM OST)


HANDAN and KORHAN are a couple in their early forties who live near upscale Bağdat Street in Istanbul, and are the parents of ten-year-old ALEYNA. Handan doesn’t work; Korhan is a partner in a distributorship and makes enough money to ensure his family a comfortable lifestyle. The couple are close friends with another married couple: Korhan’s old army buddy, AYKUT, and his wife, ŞERMİN, a novelist without a bestseller to her name but with a respectable following. The two women and two men appear to be close friends. Aleyna’s friendship with POYRAZ, who is a year older than her and the son of Aykut and Şermin, is yet another reason the two couples start spending more time together.
Handan keeps finding things to busy herself, and frequently pushes Korhan to back her up in her latest scheme. Korhan has realized for years that Handan never gets past the planning stage and has no intention of actually doing anything. For that reason he doesn’t take her seriously and offer her the support she expects. When Handan fails to get support from her husband she turns to Şermin to help her set up a business and even goes so far as to begin writing a book inspired by her friend’s success. When Handan confides her ambitions to Şermin she unwittingly puts pressure on her friend that will eventually cause the end of their friendship. During this process, Korhan’s clandestine affairs and his admiration for Şermin even as he neglects his wife are other seemingly unimportant factors in the termination of relations between the two families.


Country(ies) : TURKEY, GERMANY

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