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Development - GERMAN - Historical - 100 minutes

Log Line

RED POPPY is based on a true story the film: the origin, rise to glory and fall of Rosita Serrano, chilean singer symbol of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. From her interrogation by the Gestapo and the SS, we know her personal path to reach success in the Berlin bohemia of the 30s.

Year of production : 2018

Director(s) : Pablo BERTHELON
Writer(s) : Juan josé PARADA
Cast : Javiera DIAZ DE VALDES, Consuelo HOLZAPFEL

Producer(s) : Roberto TREJO (Carnada Films)


RED POPPY is a film based on a true story: the origin, rise to glory and fall of Rosita Serrano, chilean singer symbol of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. It’s the story about how power, fame and narcissism makes artists close their eyes to the horrors around them.
The story unfolds on two lines of action. The first plot located on Rosita was expelled from Germany after a trip to Sweden on charges of singing for Jewish citizens in the city of Stockholm in 1943. This frame will be the interrogation which is subjected the “Chilean Nightingale” for a member of the SS who tried to find out about the ambiguous political loyalty of the artist.
The second plot shows us the birth and childhood of Rosita Serrano like Esther Aldunate in a rural location near Valparaiso, after being abandoned by her family; the search for his mother; her arrival in Germany in 1936; her recruitment in the great theater Wintergarten; and her udden road to success, fame and wealth. At that time, the film deepen its way through the bohemian life in prewar Berlin, his relationship with some senior hierarchs of Nazism and its connection with the propaganda machine of the Third Reich. In this line of action we present the complexity and psychology of a woman who seeks his place in the world fighting the stereotypes of his time.
The film finish counting as her political ambiguity, and extreme narcissism finished and eventually ruin her career. The question is to what extent the fame, power and money can make us blind to the horror.


Country(ies) : CHILE

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