SLOVAKIA 2.0 (SLOVENSKO 2.0) (Past Film)
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Completed - SLOVAKIAN, ENGLISH, HUNGARIAN - unknown - 112 minutes

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20 yars, 10 directors, 1 film

Year of production : 2014

Director(s) : Herz JURAJ, Martin SULIK, Peter KEREKES, Zuzana LIOVA, Miso SUCHY, Ondrej RUDAVSKY, Iveta GROFOVA, Peter KRISTUFEK, Miro JELOK, Viera CAKANYOVA
Writer(s) : Juraj HERZ, Juraj RAYMAN, Marek LESCAK, Martin SULIK, Peter KEREKES, Zuzana LIOVA, Miso SUCHY, Ondrej RUDAVSKY, Iveta GROFOVA, Peter KRISTUFEK, Viera CAKANYOVA, Miro JELOK
Producer(s) : Matyas PRIKLER (MPHILMS), Zora JAUROVA (MPHILMS), Ivana KURINCOVA (RTVS), Peter NEVEDAL (Filmpark), Marek MACKOVIC (Filmpark), Petr MAROS (Filmpark)


What is “Slovakia”? How to explain the notion of “Slovakia” of the past 20 years to an unknown stranger, a visitor from another planet? What is the genetic makeup or the software for “Slovakia”? How to use it? How does it change?

Slovakia 2.0 is a film about twenty years of independent Slovakia as seen from the perspective of ten film directors. It is composed of ten 10-minute films of different genres ranging from drama, through animation and documentaries, to experimental film. The ten recognised film directors who offer an answer to what is Slovakia include a wide range of generations, views and genres, namely Juraj Herz, Martin Šulík, Peter Kerekes, Zuzana Liová, Mišo Suchý, Ondrej Rudavský, Iveta Grófová, Peter Krištúfek, Viera Čákanyová, and Miro Jelok.

The result is unique artistic reflection of contemporary history of Slovakia and, equally, a reflection of Slovak cinematography in its different forms.


Country(ies) : SLOVAKIA

Festivals and Awards

Warsaw FF 2014 (Selection)
Cottbus 2014 (Selection)
Kiev Molodist 2014 (Selection)

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